Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP) - Hairline Tattoo, Benefits, Costs, Results


Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP)

Hair loss affects men and women equally. Genes, hormones, ageing, and way of life are the most frequent reasons. Receding hairlines are typically a problem for men. Contrarily, women who have PCOS have hair thinning due to PCOS hair loss.

The good news is that there are numerous hair restoration techniques available to aid with hair loss problems. Scalp micro pigmentation is one of the simplest treatments accessible. 

Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) – what is it?

A cutting-edge cosmetic hair loss treatment is scalp micro pigmentation (SMP). As opposed to other hair transplanting techniques, it doesn't involve surgery. SMP is sometimes referred to as hairline tattooing or tattooing on the scalp. 

The fundamental technique is the same, yet it differs from a conventional tattoo. SMP creates a look that is incredibly realistic by perfectly simulating actual hair follicles. For those with hair loss issues, scalp micro pigmentation is really an alternative. They consist of alopecia, baldness in both men and women, and hair thinning. The loss of hair can be efficiently hidden.

Does it Cost Much?

The cost of this technique is not as high as it first appears. When compared to alternative techniques for identical problems that are on the market, this is much more reasonable, affordable, and effective. 

Customers have discussed their extensive history of experimenting with many, pricey medications and undergoing multiple treatments in numerous medical specialities, including Ayurveda, but they never received satisfying or long-lasting outcomes that made them feel pleased. 

The money you spend on SMP is completely worthwhile and less than the total sum you would spend on different goods/medicines over the duration of your life or on hair transplant treatments.

The Technique of Scalp Micropigmentation

The SMP artist assesses your scalp during your initial session and describes the intended result. Your Scalp Micropigmentation artist establishes the groundwork for the new look at your initial consultation.

Just after the scalp has already had time to recover, the next treatment is applied, and it often entails the use of various colours to provide additional detail around your genuine hair follicles. One to four weeks pass between one's initial and second appointments. This will give the pigments time to settle and the scalp time to recover. 

After 2 to 3 appointments, the full procedure is usually finished. There is a maximum eight-hour appointment length. 

When the ink or pigment ages and fades, micro pigmentation treatments will require touch-ups just like traditional tattoos.

Benefits of Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)

  • There are lots of remedies and lotions available. Yet none of these can provide the same level of assurance about outcomes as scalp micro pigmentation. This must be the ultimate and final benefit of SMP. It guarantees results. Yet the reason for this is that it doesn't induce hair regrowth. It masks its absence.
  • A Very Quick Procedure is Scalp Micropigmentation. Just 2 sessions of SMP are required if you've made the decision to go for it. You'll undoubtedly need a solid day off work because the sessions could be a touch drawn out. But after that, you'll be showing off your freshly buzzed appearance for everyone to see.
  • Flaws are Hidden by SMP. The capability to cover flaws like scars and blemishes is one of the major advantages of scalp micro pigmentation. Your specialist can carefully implant pigments to smooth out a scar's jagged edges and integrate it into the remaining portion of your scalp, rendering it unnoticeable.
  • It's Comprehensive. In any way, the treatment doesn't use any chemicals. All that is required to create a replica hair follicle is the implantation of natural pigments beneath the outermost layer of your skin. The danger of infection is reduced because it is non-invasive.
  • SMP Appearance is Authentic. The harm that hair loss has brought about is covered up through scalp micro pigmentation. Skin physiology and the colour of the hair that is already there are both carefully taken into account. The outcome is a genuine, natural-looking appearance that also requires less upkeep.
  • Minimal upkeep is necessary. Scalp micro pigmentation is almost entirely maintenance-free once it has been applied because it is essentially permanent. The morning routine of hopping into the shower right away and heading off to work requires no fancy shampoos or creams.
  • Self-esteem and confidence are restored with SMP. The new appearance will ensure that you go out with the appearance of a freshly cut buzz cut and a bounce in your step because hair loss may rip straight through both the confidence and self-esteem levels.
  • It's a sustainable remedy for hair loss. It is true that after a period of three to five years, it starts to fade. The fact that scalp micro pigmentation has a somewhat long course and that top-ups are only a small portion of the price of initial treatment is one of the main advantages, though.

Is scalp micro pigmentation secure?

It's typical to experience anxiety before your SMP session given the close proximity of the scalp to the brain. There could be negative repercussions, as there are with other medical operations. Patient satisfaction is often quite high, and the advantages of SMP may outweigh any potential negative effects.

The following are examples of possible SMP adverse effects:

  • A response to the ink allergy. Before beginning, be sure to inform the technician of all your allergies.
  • an illness brought on by tainted equipment. A fresh, sterile needle must be used throughout the treatment, which is crucial.
  • Human papillomavirus, hepatitis, and skin illnesses brought on by germs like staphylococcus can all be spread by unsterile instruments and needles.

Who Is Eligible For Micropigmentation?

If you want to maintain hair that's long, micro pigmentation won't be much help. Yet, male hair loss sufferers are more likely to opt for micro pigmentation. Who can profit from micro pigmentation? Let's find out.

  • Men that enjoy shaving their heads really short.
  • Guys who desire to increase their hair density while already having some.
  • Guys who want their sidelocks or moustache to look better.
  • Those who have sparse eyebrows.
  • Women who desire to wear "baby hair" beneath their natural hairline.
  • Individuals whose hair cannot be removed in sufficient quantities for transplantation.
  • The scar from the strip operation.


Included below are some tips for after-treatment care for your scalp.

  • Following the therapy, some redness might be felt. It may be painful and tender to touch the scalp, therefore refrain from doing so. In 1 to 2 days, this normally goes away.
  • Let them fall off and heal normally rather than remove them yourself. Avoid using moisturisers or products.
  • Spend some time letting the pigment settle. In between workouts, stay away from the sauna and hot showers.
  • Scabs are formed by pigment deposits. Let them fall off and heal normally rather than remove them yourself.
  • If you must be outside, cover up by wearing a hat and applying sunscreen. The fading of pigments can be sped up despite the fact that SMP is permanent.


A cutting-edge semi-permanent hair loss treatment is scalp micro pigmentation. Men and women should both consider it as a fantastic hair restoration solution. Comparatively speaking, SMP is less expensive and more convenient.

A fuller head of hair appearance is now possible without surgery thanks to SMP. To get the greatest, most natural results, it's crucial to exclusively hire scalp micro pigmentation specialists.


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